When celebrities become involved in a cause, they can make a real difference in society. They can use all the attention they receive from the media to increase public awareness for specific issues, persuading people to fully engage in what they support.
www.examiner.com Sandra Bullock with her special needs dogs, Popy, Ruby and BeBe (not in the picture).
Many famous Hollywood stars are adopting pets from shelters and the trend of having flawless celebrities own flawless, pedigree dogs is slowly starting to share the spotlight with celebrities and their adopted pooches. This new trend showcases not only the beauty of celebrities in terms of aesthetics, but also the beauty of their souls and their human side, which is as, or even more, important than the former.
Denise Richards adopted Tara, a puppy
rescued by The North Shore Animal League
in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.
Each act of advocacy has a powerful effect, which makes a huge difference in the lives of those wonderful creatures still waiting for a home. Animal rights and rescue has been a flag historically hoisted by many celebrities, such as Ellen DeGeneres, Katherine Heigl, Charlize Theron, Denise Richards, the Osbourne family, Betty White, George Clooney, Brigite Bardot and many, many more.
CosmoDoggyCheers to this marvelous new trend that will hopefully contribute to emptying shelters and finding a loving home for each one of the pets currently there.